Perfectly Ours. Forever.




I witnessed the greatest miracle of my life on June 4th, 2017. One day after my last post in which I thought we would become parents four days later. Once again, God had other plans.

June 3rd was what we call a ‘Top Ten Day.’ It was perfect. After I wrote my post, Amy and I went and got pedicures, and enjoyed some, much needed, quiet girl time. It was nice to get away and just be friends. We shared lots of laughs, and I still laugh when I think of how cute/silly she is when someone comments on her pregnant belly. She would always just point to me, as if not to take the credit for that sweet baby she’s growing. We would laugh, later, wondering what others thought with her gesture. It’s not everyday that someone carries someone’s baby.

Dave and I then went to Robby and Amy’s house. We surprised them by showing up in Packers gear, and we got some good smiles out of that. The kids were excited to have us out, again, and we just hung out all day. We absolutely love their house, where they have so much beautiful land and amazing views. The kids got tons of attention from us all day and night, which we all loved. Amy and I had heard so many wives tales on inducing labor, so she ate pineapple, got a pedicure, and she ordered a huge storm for that evening. The storm actually did arrive, and it was out of nowhere. Crazy high winds and rain. In manly fashion, Robby and Dave were outside trying to watch the storm, while we girls and kids, were inside trying to watch the news. It seriously got pitch black out, and was very scary. After the storm blew by, Dave and I headed home to our hotel in Green Bay. Hugging Amy goodbye, I told her I needed one more night of sleep, in which she remarked, “I won’t call you tonight.” And, we went on our way. I had text a girlfriend and stated, “Just left a Top Ten Day with their family. My heard is so full. We are so lucky!… Honestly no words could describe how we feel right now!”


We arrived to the hotel absolutely exhausted, and excited for another wonderful night’s rest. After taking night time sleep meds, Dave and I crashed.

One hour later, she called. It barely rang before I answered. Amy, as calmly as I’ve heard her, said, “My water just broke.” It was 11:51, and we started to figure out our plan. Dave, literally, jumped out of bed and threw all of the hotel lights back on. Amy needed to reach someone to watch the kids, and we needed to drive from Green Bay to Appleton. We had all of our stuff we needed to pack up, as we had settled in to our little home. Dave and I have never moved so fast in our lives. The guy at the front desk of the hotel looked at us, oddly, as we had just arrived for our night, and now we were rushing out with all of our luggage and purchasing caffeine. I told him we were having a baby, and he looked at me like I was crazy.

We made it to the hospital first. I went into the ER asking where to go when you’re in labor, and, once again, got the crazy looks. A few minutes later came Amy and Robby, and we all got checked in quickly. We had figured this would be a very quick labor, as her last baby came very quickly after having her water break. Dave and I were just so excited that the time was finally here… we would meet our sweet son.

Little did we know, it would take a bit longer than we all thought. Our rockstar Amy didn’t have an epidural, and baby boy was stuck, sunny side up. Amy did such an outstanding job, and she was such a trooper. But, I will tell you, it is not ‘fun’ to watch someone endure labor for you. My tears started pretty quickly after we got checked into our room. Watching her contractions was awful. It was a guilt that I cannot ever explain, and unless someone else has carried your child, I imagine you won’t understand. Tears just streamed down my face. Non stop. My heart hurt. My stomach hurt. Everything in me hurt. I was reminded that I couldn’t carry a child. My body had failed me. And, because of that, my sweet friend was in pain; she was in lots of pain. I kept looking up at Dave, and he had the same look of despair on his face. Those moments were hard and so very painful. What I wouldn’t give to trade places with Amy, lying in that bed, her cheering me on. I wanted to take all of her hurt away, and begged God to speed up this process.

Robby coached Amy, and was an absolute saint! They make the greatest team ever. They are basically pros, as they have already been through this twice before. But this labor was different, and none of us knew why baby wasn’t coming out. I stood right by Amy’s head, and Dave right behind me, while Robby was right next to her, helping her every move. We had all made bets on the time he would arrive. Robby- 3:30am, Ashley 4:32 and Dave 3:14. The next five hours were brutal. Amy’s OB, who we love, got there about 5:00. We thought he would be here any minute, but poor Amy had to go through so much more. Shift change for the nurses was 6:00, but these sweet nurses were so vested in our story, they decided to stay. We had a wonderful team of staff. They were absolutely amazing! And so many of us cheering Amy on. I will admit, I was pretty quiet, as I was crying too hard to speak. I was barely able to cheer, I just stood right by her side, tears beaming down my face. I worried for Amy’s safety, and worried about the safety of my baby as well. Amy continued to push.

Brigham Leo Klein was finally born at 6:53am.




He was beautiful. He had TONS of black hair, which I, too, had as a baby. The sobs began. I don’t think there was a dry eye in that room. The four of us all cried, and Dave and I cried like never before. The doctor put a blanket on Amy’s stomach, so that I would receive the first skin to skin. We did delayed cord clamping, and Daddy Dave got to cut the cord.

And, then, that moment was here. I got to hold my baby. I was wearing a gown, and the doctor walked right over to me, holding my son, and laid him right on my chest. And, I’m telling you, he snuggled right in, just as I had carried him, and we had never been apart. He knew I was his mommy. He was so warm, and it just felt so right having him on my chest. I couldn’t see him, but could finally feel him.



Someone in this world needed us, and fully depended on us. Eventually, I got a look at his sweet face, and he was the perfect mix of us. For some reason, I had always pictured a mini Dave, so I was shocked to see he looked almost identical to my baby pictures. No matter what, he was ours. And he was perfectly ours. Forever.





Shortly after them placing him on my chest, Dave said, “Thank you Amy. And thank you Robby” I barely got it out, “YES! Amy, thank you. Thank you Robby.” And the boys went in for a big hug, which was one of my favorite parts of the morning. Lucky we have the entire birth on video, so we get to relive this moment. But, thank you just didn’t even seem like the right word. And, here I am, two months out, trying to find the right words. There are NO words that will ever be enough. No words in this lifetime, but perhaps Heaven will have those words.

I will never forget what was repeating in my head. I saw God today. I saw God today. I saw God today. I saw God today. Over and over and over. I witnessed the first breath of my child. And, I witnessed the most unselfish act a human can do. She birthed my child. For us. She made us parents. She fulfilled our dreams. She changed our lives. She changed our friends and family’s lives. She changed strangers lives. This, sweet soul, she changed the world. She impacted our lives in the greatest way possible. She showed us a new love. She is THE greatest human we know, and we can never repay her for the sacrifice she made. She made us happier than we have ever been. She brought life into our family. And, so did Robby. This team changed our lives. We are forever grateful and love you both!

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!! You are the greatest person we know, and we are forever changed because of you. Our sweet angel, our hero. And, until we can find the right words to say…..THANK YOU for helping bring our miracle to life. Thank you.

Love, Dave and Ashley

3 thoughts on “Perfectly Ours. Forever.

  1. Betsy

    Loved this..honestly seems only yesterday Amy four days POAS and got a positive..she was in this with all her heart. Nice to realize they are Angels right here on earth. I’m overjoyed and a bit choked up over these pictures. ❤️🐞

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nikki Tasson

    I have tears as I read this post, Ashley! Your story made me feel so happy for you and gave me hope that good happens in this world. It was an honor to be present for such a beautiful event. You were meant to be a mommy, Ashley. Amy is such a beautiful soul to help you physically achieve this beautiful gift.

    I remember looking at you and Dave with a heavy heart. I could sense you both felt helpless in that delivery room a few times. Having experienced such raw emotions myself, I wanted to hold you both to help you feel that someone was acknowledging the intense emotion you were experiencing. You and Dave were a huge part of that beautiful delivery, and we all felt for you.

    We will never forget your beautiful story st AMC Birth Center!!! Hugs and love tonyiu all 💙


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